`id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `url` varchar(500) NOT NULL, `cache_tags` varchar(1000) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `url` (`url`(191)), KEY `cache_tags` (`cache_tags`(191))


Be Safe

The threat of harmful chemicals always exist. We exclude dangerous chemicals that exist indiscriminately around us. We always try to do our best to make safe products so that people can enjoy good products made with safe ingredients obtained from nature.

Be Smart

In a modern society that is rapidly and complexly changing, we are constantly thinking about how to manage our lives at home in the simplest and most efficient way possible. Solve problems that arise in daily life such as cumbersome cleaning and removal of old stains. We want to research and create good products to help you solve problems easily and conveniently.

Be Healthy

Good things come from nature. For our family’s healthy life, we always think about and research good ingredients obtained from nature. We want to develop and sell healthier  products.